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Rice Crop Schedule

Product Name Fertilizers
Poornima Kit NPK Caps Humigrow Nano Powder Alp Sonha-Bihan
Humic Acid Chelated
Land Reparation week -2
Soil Treatment week -1
Before Seed Sowing week 0
Germination week 1 1 Kit
Fruiting stage
Vegetative Flowering
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5 2 Caps 120 gm
week 6
week 7
week 8 250gm 250gm
week 9 2 Caps 120 gm
week 10
week 11
week 12
Grain Formation

week 13
week 14
week 15
week 16
Total Quantity 1 Kit 4 Caps 240gm 250gm 250gm
Top Dressing
Basal Dressing
Soil Application
* Optional

NOTE: For the first year donot immidietaly substitute 100% chemical fertilizer with the SIESTO GREEN products, as the soil is used to chemical fertilizer, it may affect the output. So the best way to substitute is by reducing 50% of chemical input in the first year, 25% the following 2nd year, & then another 10% by the 3rd year. After the 3rd year use synthetic fertilizer / inorganic fertilizer if their is a requirement depending on the soil health.


Sr. No. Treatment / Application Product Dose / Acre APPLICATION Management 1 Vegetative – Dissolve in 20 to 200 ltr. of water as required for 1 acre of land and apply through Drip Irrigation or drench. POORNIMA KIT 1 KIT Apply it in week 1 It is a balanced form of nutrients that includes NPK, Zinc, Cropforce NP, Humigrow NP, and Mycorrhiza NP 2 Vegetative – Mix all with the required amount of water and apply through drip irrigation, flood irrigation, or drenching as per farmer’s availability NPK + Humigrow 2 Caps + 120gm Apply it in week 5 & 9 It is a balanced form of Nutrition that includes NPK. 3 Flowering – Mix both in 20 – 200 liters of water as per requirement and spray it in the plants. ALP + Sonhabihan 250gm + 250gm/200 lit. of water Apply it in week 8 It is a Micronutrient and PGP that helps in Growth, Fruit set, and the quality of the produce.   


PEST / BACTERIAL / FUNGAL IDENTIFICATION IN CROP SYMPTOMS SUGGESTED PRODUCT Bacterial Blight Yellowing or wilting of young leaves, and white streaking on the midrib. Indofa + Bacillus Sheath Blight Leaf-sheath and leaf blade of the plant. Indofa + Bacillus False Smut It can cause yellowish-green lesions on the leaves, stems, and husks of the rice plant. Bacillus + BT Stem rot White, Cottony growths on the stem of the rice plants. The leaves of the rice plant may also yellow, wilt, and die. Indofa Panicle Blight The most visible symptom of panicle blight is the death of the panicles (the flowering head of the plant), which turn white, dry up, and fall off. Indofa + Bacillus Brown Spot Yellowish-brown spots on the leaves stems, and grains of rice plants. These spots may become enlarged and eventually become dark brown with a yellow halo. Indofa Stem Borer Yellowing and wilting of leaves, holes in the stem, lodging of the plant, decrease in grain filling, death of the plant, and frass (insect excrement) on the stem. Meta + BT + Bacillus Green Leafhopper Stunted plants and reduced vigor, reduced number of productive tillers, withering, or complete plant drying. Meta + Traps / Lifeline Plant Hopper Hopper burn or yellowing, browning, and drying of plants, ovipositional marks exposing the plant to fungal and bacterial infections, presence of honeydew and sooty molds in the bases of areas infected plants with a ragged stunt or grassy stunt virus disease. Meta + Traps / Lifeline Gall Midge The larvae of the gall midge feed on the growing point of the rice plant and cause the death of the central shoot. Traps + Lifeline + Meta Grains Sucking Bugs The bugs feed on the developing grains and cause the formation of small, yellowish, or brownish spots on the grains. Traps + Lifeline + Meta


NUTRIENT IDENTIFICATION SYMPTOMS SUGGESTED PRODUCT Nitrogen Deficiency Discoloration of leaves – pale green, light red petioles and veins. Stunted leaf Growth Azoto Caps Potassium Deficiency Yellowing and drying of leaf tips and margins, necrosis or death of leaf tips and margins, reduced tillering, and brown spots on leaves are symptoms of potassium deficiency in rice fields. Potash Grow Caps Phosphorus Deficiency The symptoms of phosphorus deficiency in rice fields include stunted growth, reduced tillering, and the development of reddish-purple leaves. PSB Plus Caps Zinc Deficiency Dusty brown spots on the upper leaves of stunted plants. Zinc Grow Caps Boron Deficiency It leads to a reduction in plant height, death of growing points, and white discoloration and rolling of leaf tips. Alp Sulphur Deficiency It can lead to delayed plant development and maturity. Sulphur Caps



FAMILY NAME = Rice belongs to the family of Gramineae and the genera oryzae. Oryzae contains about 20 differentspecies, of which only two are cultivated: Oryza sativa L. (‘Asian rice’) and Oryzaglaberrima. (‘African rice’). PLANT TYPE = Oryza Sativa. SOIL TYPE = Black, medium & shallow black, red sandy, mixed red, coastal alluvium, laterite, Terai, riverine alluvium, red-yellow, red loamy, hill, and sub-montane. SOIL PH = pH range should be 5.5 – 6.5. CLIMATE / TEMPERATURE = 21˚C to 37˚C SEASON OF PLANTING = Southeast Asia's rice planting coincides with the monsoon season, typically from May to December. MANURING & FERTILIZATION = Fertilizer requirements depends on the fertility or quality of the soil. WATER MANAGEMENT = Good irrigation is required throughout the life cycle. Crop Cycle = On average medium maturing varieties can be harvested 120 – 150 days after sowing. YIELD = 2 – 2.5 ton NUTRIENT CONTENT:-The following nutrition information is of 1 cup (186g) of cooked, enriched, short-grain white rice. Fat = 4 g Sodium = 0 mg Carbohydrates = 4 g Fiber = 6 g Sugars = 0 g Protein = 4 g Manganese = 7 mg Iron = 7 mg Thiamin = 3 mg   NOTE: Seed Treatment kit is optional. Bio-pesticides or Bio-fungicides can be applied on a preventive dosage or when any pest, fungal or bacterial diseases are identified. Recommended dosage on this crop schedule can vary depending on soil health, environmental conditions, and pest attacks. Add available forms of Phosphorus and Potash depending on the crop and crop varieties before every Transplantation. 1-acre POORNIMA KIT contains: - NPK caps = 2 caps Zinc caps = 1 cap Cropforce Nano Powder = 120gm Humigrow Nano Powder = 120 gm Mycorrhiza nano powder = 100 gm   PRECAUTIONS: - Biofertilizer is not a chemical fertilizer hence do not mix with agrochemicals. Do not expose to direct sunlight or heat. Use Bio-fertilizer before or after 3-4 days of use of chemical fertilizer. Please, clean the sprayer before the use of Bio-fertilizer or bio-pesticide.
Welcome to Siestogreen

Founded in September 2021 and headquartered in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Siestogreen is poised to become a distinguished leader in agricultural advancements and a pioneer in eco-friendly farming practices. At Siestogreen, our products are meticulously crafted to improve agricultural yields while emphasizing human well-being and environmental sustainability.

Bhimasria Park, Industrial Area, Bhanpuri, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

Copyright © 2023 Siesto Green. All Rights Reserved. Built with Expertise by Growlly.

Welcome to Siestogreen

Founded in September 2021 and headquartered in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Siestogreen is poised to become a distinguished leader in agricultural advancements and a pioneer in eco-friendly farming practices. At Siestogreen, our products are meticulously crafted to improve agricultural yields while emphasizing human well-being and environmental sustainability.

Bhimasria Park, Industrial Area, Bhanpuri, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
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Copyright © 2023 Siesto Green. All Rights Reserved. Built with Expertise by Growlly.