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Mango Crop Schedule

Product Name Fertilizers
Poornima Kit NPK Caps Humigrow
Nano Powder
Nano Powder
Alp Sonha-Bihan
Humic Acid Seaweed Extract Chelated
Land Reparation month -2
Soil Treatment month -1
Before Seed Sowing month 0
Germination month 1 1 Kit
Vegetative Growth month 2
month 3 2 Caps 120 gm
month 4
month 5 1 Kit
month 6
month 7 2 Caps 120 gm
month 8
month 9 1 Kit
month 10
month 11 2 Caps 120 gm
month 12
Flowering 250gm 250gm
Fruiting 500gm
Total Quantity 3 Kit 6 Caps 360gm 750gm 250gm
Top Dressing
Basal Dressing
Soil Application
* Optional

NOTE: For the first year donot immidietaly substitute 100% chemical fertilizer with the SIESTO GREEN products, as the soil is used to chemical fertilizer, it may affect the output. So the best way to substitute is by reducing 50% of chemical input in the first year, 25% the following 2nd year, & then another 10% by the 3rd year. After the 3rd year use synthetic fertilizer / inorganic fertilizer if their is a requirement depending on the soil health.


Sr. No. Treatment / Application Product Dose /Acre APPLICATION Management 1 Vegetative – Dissolve in 20 to 200 ltr. of water as required for 1 acre of land and apply through Drip Irrigation or drench. POORNIMA KIT 1 KIT Apply it in Month 1, month 5 & month 9 It is a balanced form of nutrients that includes NPK, Zinc, Cropforce NP, Humigrow NP, and Mycorrhiza NP 2 Vegetative – Mix all with the required amount of water and apply through drip irrigation, flood irrigation, or drenching as per farmer’s availability. NPK + Humigrow 2 caps + 120gm Apply it in Month 3, 7 and 11 It is a balanced form of Nutrition that includes NPK with Humic. 3 Flowering – Mix both in 200 liters of water as per requirement and spray it in the plants. ALP + Sonhabihan 250gm + 250gm/200 lit. of water During the flowering period spray it once. It is a Micronutrient and PGP that helps in Growth, Fruit set, and the quality of the produce. 4 Fruiting – Mix it with the required amount of water and apply it in the soil near the plant roots. ALP 500gm Apply it during the fruiting stage. It is a Multi Micronutrient.


PEST / BACTERIAL / FUNGAL IDENTIFICATION IN CROP SYMPTOMS SUGGESTED PRODUCT Anthracnose The disease causes serious losses to young shoots, flowers, and fruits. It also affects fruits during storage. Indofa + Bacillus Powdery Mildew The characteristic symptom of the disease is the white superficial powdery fungal growth on leaves, stalks of panicles, flowers, and young fruits. Life-line + Indofa + BT + Bacillus Die-Back The pathogen causing dieback, tip dieback, graft union blight, twig blight, seedling rot, wood stain, stem-end rot, black root rot, fruit rot, dry rot, brown rot of panicle, etc. The disease is most conspicuous during October and November. Indofa + Bacillus Phoma Blight The symptoms of the disease are noticeable only on old leaves. Initially, the lesions are angular, minute, irregular, yellow to light brown, scattered over leaf lamina. Indofa Bacterial Canker The disease is noticed on leaves, leaf stalks, stems, twigs, branches, and fruits, initially producing water-soaked lesions, later turning into typical canker. Bacillus Subtilis + Bacillus Red Rust Red rust disease, caused by an alga, has been observed in mango-growing areas. The algal attack causes a reduction in photosynthetic activity and defoliation of leaves thereby lowering the vitality of the host plant. Indofa + Bacillus subtilis Mango Malformation Vegetative malformation: Vegetative malformation is pronounced in young seedlings. The affected seedlings develop vegetative growths which are abnormal growth, swollen, and have very short internodes. NPK Grow + Zinc grow + Sonha-bihan Root Rot & Damping Off The disease is characterized by the sudden dropping of leaves after the emergence of seedlings from the soil. Indofa Scab Symptoms produced by the disease are very much like those of anthracnose. Bacillus Subtilis + Bacillus Mealybug Nymphs and adults suck the plant sap and reduce the vigor of the Mango Plant. Excessive and continuous draining of Mango plant sap causes wilting and finally drying of infected tissue. Traps + Meta + BT + Lifeline Shoot Borer This pest is found all over the country and larvae of this moth bore into the young shoot resulting in the dropping of leaves and wilting of shoots. Meta + Traps + BT


NUTRIENT IDENTIFICATION SYMPTOMS SUGGESTED PRODUCT Potassium Scorching of leaf margins is the characteristic symptom of potassium deficiency. Scorching starts from the tip downwards. Fruit quality is reduced. Trees with potassium deficiency are easily prone to pest and disease attacks. Potash Grow Caps Nitrogen Yellow undersized leaves, severe retardation of growth, twigs become yellow in color. Fruits are smaller and mature early. Leaves small with general yellowing Azoss / Azoto Phosphorus The deficiency causes stunting of growth, premature defoliation, dying back from the tips, excessively green younger leaves, and thin and willowy wood of the main trunk. PSB Plus Zinc The leaves become small and narrow with leaf margins bent upward or downward. Inter nodal length is reduced drastically and the twig with crowded leaves gives a rosette appearance. Zinc Grow Caps Iron The leaves lose their green color and turn white which is called “Bleaching”. The size of the leaf is reduced. In severe cases of iron deficiency, the leaves dry from the tip downwards. ALP Copper Copper deficiency symptoms frequently develop on young trees which generally occur due to heavy nitrogenous fertilization. It may also be accompanied by Zinc deficiency symptoms. ALP



  SOIL TYPE = Mango trees grow best in well-drained soils. They can grow in a variety of soil types including sandy loam, laterite, alluvial, and red soils. SOIL PH = 5 – 7.5. CLIMATE / TEMPERATURE = Mango trees grow best in warm tropical climates with temperatures between 24°C to 27°C. They can tolerate temperatures as high as 48°C and as low as 10°C but the ideal temperature range for growth is between 24°C to 27°C. SPACING = Ideal spacing of Mango trees in an orchard is 10 x 10 meters. With this distance around 82 trees can be planted per acre. In the ultra-high-density plantation technique, mango is planted at 3x2 m which accommodates 674 plants per acre. SEASON OF PLANTING = The best time for planting mango trees is during the beginning of the rainy season. Rainwater helps the plant to fix faster. The risk of plant death is comparatively low in the rainy season. In irrigated areas, planting is done during the months of February and March. MANURING & FERTILIZATION = Fertilizer requirement depends on the fertility, plant age and quality of the soil. WATER MANAGEMENT = The daily water requirements of mango varies from 28 to 85 L/day/plant. The annual water requirement of the crop is 6400m-cube per ha for the planting geometry of 5m*5m. Soil moisture stress from the end of November to the end of January is recommended for good flowering. Regular irrigation during fruit setting and development period reduces fruit drop considerabl HARVESTING DURATION = Mango trees usually take 3-5 years to bear fruit. The fruiting season of mangoes varies depending on the variety and location. In India, the mango season starts in March and lasts until July-August. The duration of the mango plantation is around 40 years. YIELD = The yield of mango crops depends on the variety of mango, soil type, climate, and management practices. The average yield of mango varies from 6-10 tonnes per hectare. However, it can vary from 2-20 tonnes per hectare depending on the above factors.   NOTE: Recommended dosage on this crop schedule can vary depending on soil health, environmental conditions, and pest attacks. Add available forms of Phosphorus and Potash depending on the crop and crop varieties before every Transplantation. Add available forms of calcium and magnesium as per the requirement. 1-acre POORNIMA KIT contains: - NPK caps = 2 caps Zinc caps = 1 cap Cropforce Nano Powder = 120gm Humigrow Nano Powder = 120 gm Mycorrhiza nano powder = 100 gm   PRECAUTIONS: - Biofertilizer is not a chemical fertilizer hence do not mix with agrochemicals. Do not expose it to direct sunlight or heat. Use Bio-fertilizer before or after 3-4 days of use of chemical fertilizer. Please, clean the sprayer before the use of Bio-fertilizer or bio-pesticide.
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Founded in September 2021 and headquartered in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Siestogreen is poised to become a distinguished leader in agricultural advancements and a pioneer in eco-friendly farming practices. At Siestogreen, our products are meticulously crafted to improve agricultural yields while emphasizing human well-being and environmental sustainability.

Bhimasria Park, Industrial Area, Bhanpuri, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

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Welcome to Siestogreen

Founded in September 2021 and headquartered in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Siestogreen is poised to become a distinguished leader in agricultural advancements and a pioneer in eco-friendly farming practices. At Siestogreen, our products are meticulously crafted to improve agricultural yields while emphasizing human well-being and environmental sustainability.

Bhimasria Park, Industrial Area, Bhanpuri, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
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