Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) are beneficial bacteria capable of solubilizing inorganic phosphorus from insoluble compounds.
P.S.B PLUS-Caps are capsules that contains a phophate solubilising bacteria which solubilizes the inorganic soil phosphates of Ca, Fe, and Al via production of siderophores, several acids (organic), hydroxyl and carboxylgroups, and then chelating them to the bound phosphates.

Per Acre Required = Minimum 2 capsules, Recommended 2 or 3 (Over Dose Has No Side Effects)
packet contains 2 or 6 capsules.1 box contains 20 packets (40 or 120 capsules).1 carton contains 5 boxes (200 or 600 capsules).
● During soil preparation
● For seed treatment
● Within 3 days of the Full Moon each month
They also decompose the organic residue by immobilization and mineralization thus maintaining equilibrium with soil solution P pools.Phosphorous is one of the major plant’s nutrients in the soil.It is a constituent of plant cells, essential for cell division and development of the growing tip of the plant.For this reason, it is vital for seedlings and young plants. That help in crop growth & increasing productivity.PSB fertilizer can facilitate the transformation of insoluble P to available p in the soil; this mechanism will increase available P concentration and soil p availability to crops, contributing to crop growth and yield
RECOMMENDATIONIt is used before flowering and fruiting stage in order to Increase the yield.Fixation of soil phosphorus increases with time of contact between soluble phosphorus and soil particles. Consequently, more efficient utilization of fertilizer phosphorus is generally obtained by applying the fertilizer shortly before planting the crop.
RECOMMENDATIONIt is used before flowering and fruiting stage in order to Increase the yield.Fixation of soil phosphorus increases with time of contact between soluble phosphorus and soil particles. Consequently, more efficient utilization of fertilizer phosphorus is generally obtained by applying the fertilizer shortly before planting the crop.
Minimum 1 capsule per acre, with 2 to 3 capsules recommended for optimal results.
*Overdosing has no side effects.