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Broccoli Crop Schedule

Product Name Fertilizers
Poornima Kit NPK
Grow Caps
Nano Powder
Alp Sonha-Bihan
Humic Acid Chelated
Land Reparation week -2
Soil Treatment week -1
Seed Sowing week 0
Transplantation week 1 1 Kit
Vegetative Growth week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5 2 Caps 120gm
week 6
week 7 250gm 250gm
week 8
week 9
week 10
week 11
week 12
Total Quantity 1 Kit 2 Caps 120gm 250gm 250gm
Top Dressing
Basal Dressing
Soil Application
* Optional

NOTE: For the first year donot immidietaly substitute 100% chemical fertilizer with the SIESTO GREEN products, as the soil is used to chemical fertilizer, it may affect the output. So the best way to substitute is by reducing 50% of chemical input in the first year, 25% the following 2nd year, & then another 10% by the 3rd year. After the 3rd year use synthetic fertilizer / inorganic fertilizer if their is a requirement depending on the soil health.



Sr. No.Treatment / ApplicationProductDose /AcreAPPLICATIONManagement1Vegetative – Dissolve in 20 to 200 ltr. of water as required for 1 acre of land and apply through Drip Irrigation or drench.POORNIMA KIT1 KITApply it 1 week after Transplantation that is week 2It is a balanced form of nutrients that includes NPK, Zinc, Cropforce NP, Humigrow NP, and Mycorrhiza NP2Vegetative – Mix all with the required amount of water and apply through drip irrigation, flood irrigation, or drenching as per farmer’s availability.NPK + Humigrow2 Caps + 120gmApply it in week 5 & week 9It is a balanced form of Nutrition that includes NPK.3Fruiting – Mix both in 20 – 200 liters of water as per requirement and apply it in the soil.ALP + Sonhabihan500gm + 500gmApply it in week 7It is a Micronutrient and PGP that helps in Growth, Fruit set, and the quality of the produce.



PEST / BACTERIAL / FUNGAL IDENTIFICATION IN CROP SYMPTOMS SUGGESTED PRODUCT Diamondback Moth Caterpillars feed on the undersurface of leaves, bite holes in leaves and cause serious damage. Traps + Meta + BT Head Borer Caterpillars web the leaves and bore into the stem, stalk, or leaf veins. They bore into the cabbage head also making it unfit for consumption. Traps + Meta + BT Leaf Webber Webbed leaves with fecal matter, Skeletonized leaves. Traps + Meta + BT Aphids This pest infests crucifers in the cold season. Both the nymphs and adults suck sap from plants causing a loss of vigor. Lifeline + Traps + Meta + BT Tobacco Caterpillar In early stages, the caterpillars are gregarious and scrape the chlorophyll content of leaf lamina giving it a papery white appearance. Traps + Meta + BT Damping Off It occurs in two stages, i.e. the pre-emergence and the post-emergence phase. In the pre-emergence phase, the seedlings are killed just before they reach the soil surface. The post-emergence phase is characterized by the infection of the young, juvenile tissues of the collar at the ground level. Indofa + Bacillus Club root Stunting and yellowing of plants, Leaves become yellowish and wilt on hot days. Club-like swelling of root and rootlets. Indofa + Bacillus Alternaria Leaf Spot Spots are small, dark-colored, They enlarge, and soon become circular & 1mm. in diameter Indofa + Bacillus Black Rot First, appear as chlorotic or yellow (angular) areas near the leaf margins. The yellow area extends to veins and midrib forming characteristic ‘v-shaped chlorotic spots which later turn black. Indofa + Bacillus Downy Mildew Small purplish brown spots on the undersurface of leaves. Small, pale yellow angular spots on the upper surface of leaves, with downy growth on the under surface. The spots coalesce and the leaves shrivel and dry up prematurely. Life-line + Indofa + BT + Bacillus Powdery Mildew White powdery spots on the upper surface of leaves, stems, flower parts, etc. Life-line + Indofa + BT + Bacillus White Rust White, shiny raised blisters (pustules) on the lower surfaces of leaves, stems, and flowers. BT + Bacillus Subtilis


NUTRIENT IDENTIFICATION SYMPTOMS SUGGESTED PRODUCT Nitrogen Deficiency The symptoms start on the older leaves and after a while spread over the whole plant. Azoss Caps/ Azoto caps Phosphorus P deficiency results in severe growth reduction. Plant color and habitus are not affected. PSB Plus Potash Older Leaves show brown, withered, and brittle necrotic border zones. With an ongoing deficiency, necrosis progresses from the edge to the middle. Leaf margins are cupped upwards. Potash Grow Caps Sulphur Young plants show chlorosis of the younger leaves. General plant development is delayed and growth is stunted. Sulphur Grow Caps Copper Stunted growth is caused by Cu deficiency. ALP Iron Leaf blades are smaller than usual, whereas petioles are somewhat longer. ALP Manganese Young leaves show yellow-green mottling, caused by interveinal chlorosis. Leaf blades are enlarged, but not cupped inwards as usual. ALP Molybdenum Mo-deficient plants show faint yellow-green chlorosis. Leaves of young plants are relatively small and bent down. ALP Zinc Affected plants show stunted growth and a faint yellow-green leaf color. Loose plant habitus with rather elongated leaf shape and inhibited head forming. Zinc Grow Caps



  SOIL TYPE = Cabbage grows best in loamy, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter SOIL PH = Slightly acidic to neutral (0 – 7.0). CLIMATE / TEMPERATURE = Cabbage is a cool season crop that grows best with average temperatures between 60 and 65 degrees FahrenheitIt can tolerate temperatures as low as 45 degrees Fahrenheitand as high as 80 degrees Fahrenheit. For seed germination, the best temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius SPACING = The spacing for cabbage cultivation depends on the type of cabbage and the maturity period. Generally, the spacing ranges from 25 to 45 cmbetween plants and 30 to 60 cm between rowsFor example, spring cabbages need 25 cm by 30 cm, while winter cabbages need 45 cm by 60 cm. SEASON OF PLANTING = The sowing time depends on the variety and the agro-climatic conditions prevailing in a particular region. Early cabbage is sown during July-November in plains and April-August in hills, while late cabbage is sown during September-October in plains and October-November in hills. MANURING & FERTILIZATION = Fertilizer requirement depends on the variety, weather conditions, and soil type. Cabbage plants need adequate amounts of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) for optimal growth. WATER MANAGEMENT = Cabbage is a crop that requires consistent soil moisture to produce crisp and juicy heads. Water 2 inches per square foot per week and avoid water stress or waterloggingAlso, mulch thickly around the area to regulate soil temperature and conserve moisture. CROP CYCLE = The duration of the cabbage crop is 60 to 100 days, depending on the variety YIELD = The yield of cabbage depends on many factors such as variety, season, climate, and crop management. According to some sources, the average yield of cabbage per hectare can range from 25 to 85 tons   NOTE: Recommended dosage on this crop schedule can vary depending on soil health, environmental conditions, and pest attacks. Add available forms of Phosphorus and Potash depending on the crop and crop varieties before every Transplantation. Add available forms of calcium and magnesium as per the requirement. 1-acre POORNIMA KIT contains: - NPK caps = 2 caps Zinc caps = 1 cap Cropforce Nano Powder = 120gm Humigrow Nano Powder = 120 gm Mycorrhiza nano powder = 100 gm     PRECAUTIONS: - Biofertilizer is not a chemical fertilizer hence do not mix with agrochemicals. Do not expose to direct sunlight or heat. Use Bio-fertilizer before or after 3-4 days of use of chemical fertilizer. Please, clean the sprayer before the use of Bio-fertilizer or bio-pesticide.
Welcome to Siestogreen

Founded in September 2021 and headquartered in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Siestogreen is poised to become a distinguished leader in agricultural advancements and a pioneer in eco-friendly farming practices. At Siestogreen, our products are meticulously crafted to improve agricultural yields while emphasizing human well-being and environmental sustainability.

Bhimasria Park, Industrial Area, Bhanpuri, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

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Welcome to Siestogreen

Founded in September 2021 and headquartered in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Siestogreen is poised to become a distinguished leader in agricultural advancements and a pioneer in eco-friendly farming practices. At Siestogreen, our products are meticulously crafted to improve agricultural yields while emphasizing human well-being and environmental sustainability.

Bhimasria Park, Industrial Area, Bhanpuri, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
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