Azoto-CAPS are capsules contains a free living nitrogen fixing bacterium known as Azotobacter. Azotobacter is used as a biofertilizer for all non-leguminous plants especially rice, cotton , vegetables, etc.
Azotobacter is an aerobic, soil-dwelling bacteria. Azotobacter improve plant health through nitrogen fixation, growth hormone production, plant disease management and reclamation of better soil health. They are aerobic bacteria and require high oxygen concentration for them to function.

Per Acre Required = Minimum 2 capsules, Recommended 2 or 3 (Over Dose Has No Side Effects)
● During soil preparation
● For seed treatment
● Within 3 days of the Full Moon each month
● Promotes crop growth and increases productivity
● Fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the root region, making itavailable to plants
● Enhances crop growth and productivity
● Fixes approximately 100 kg of nitrogen per hectare annually.
Preferred for long duration or larger Crops except Leguminous and Sugar Containing Crops.It can be used for Soil Preparation and Seed Treatment for Better germination of the crop.RECOMMENDED USAGE
Minimum 1 capsule per acre, with 2 to 3 capsules recommended for optimal results.
*Overdosing has no side effects.